Furacão em Nova-Orleães (EUA)

Comentando o tema :
Lamento, e todos devemos lamentar, pelos milhares de vítimas deste furacão, eles não têm culpa.
Não têm culpa das agressões que o Continente americano tem feito ao ambiente. Pois, a natureza não ataca em vão, ela apenas reage.
Como todos sabemos, o presidente w Bush nunca quiz que os EUA aderissem ao protocolo de quito nem reduzissem emissões poluentes, comos e sabe esse é o continente mais poluente.
Será que é obra do acaso tantos ciclones que têm atingido os EUA? Bush não raciocina?
Mais ciclones virão, muitos mais, pois infelizmente alterámos todo o clima do planeta.

É bonito ver, e de louvar,todos os países que se prontificaram a dar ajuda humanitária aos EUA.
EU GOSTARIA que o presidente Bush racicionasse um pouco, e retirasse os milhares de militares do Iraque, porque esses homens poderiam ajudar as vítimas de Nova-Orleães, e os MILHÕES de dólares utilizados na guerra poderiam servir para reconstruir a zona atingida pelo furacão.
Mas o Bsuh certamente, apesar de vários países estarem a ajudar os EUA, Bush continuará a DESPERDIÇAR milhões de dólares em guerra.
E os países que tenham petróleo, deveriam acautelar-se, Pois os EUA costumam invadir países em busca de mais petróleo, este furacão Katrina danificou cerca de 90% da produção petrolífera americana...


Anónimo disse…
o bush é um refem dos magos negros e anda lá cheio de medo a fazer sacrifícios humanos a mando deles.
Ele não está ali para pensar. Só para fazer o que lhe dizem.
Anónimo disse…
Esta horde de psicóticos completamente focados no poder e controlo, prepara-se agora para implementar um plano de implante de microchips em humanos de modo a sermos vigiados. Será isto difícil ? Claro que não, basta embrulhar a coisa de modo a nos parecer a única solução para a nossa própria segurança. Quando é que se começou a falar desses implantes ? Quando uma vaga de raptos a crianças alertou a população que com estes chips, se saberia facilmente onde procurá-las. Dentro em breve será possível ao comum do cidadão ter um chip implantado que o beneficiará no caso de rapto, mas que também lhe facilitará a vida quando fôr ao médico, pois a informação estará toda gravada nesse chip, e brevemente passará à frente de filas de espera enormes numa qualquer repartição ou serviço porque esse chip contém todas as informações necessárias. Chegará o dia em que mesmo o mais céptico e resistente será obrigado a implanta-lo pois a sua vida sem ele será um autêntico inferno. Lembram-se do que aconteceu com os telemoveis. O mesmo com os cartões de crédito. Hoje em dia, quer os telemoveis quer os cartões de crédito são de uso quase obrigatório para todos, quando há bem pouco tempo eram odiados. Não esqueçamos que um telemóvel é localizável instantaneamente até uma precisão de 5 metros, e que um cartão de crédito é a forma mais fácil de controlar as suas estadias, viagens, hábitos de consumo e até segredos passiveis de usar em chantagens. E isto, como devem perceber é só uma ponta do iceberg.
Pensará alguém que estará livre de ser vitima de actos de ditadura implacável como o comunismo, o nazismo ou o fascismo, logo ceptico em relação a estes métodos horrendos ?
Anónimo disse…
As vezes as situaçoes que ocorrem no mundo nos levem a pensar que TEMOS que viver numa ditadura e controlados...o que e a liberdade no contexto de um mundo superpovoado,ambientalmente moribundo e pleno em desigualdades?O que e ser livre?Eu ja nao sei...
R.O disse…
"ser livre dentro das nossas limitações"

quanto ao bush, é por isso que lhe chamam "dubya", eheheh
Anónimo disse…
“You need to grow up and deal with it.”

“It was in the past. Go on with your life and forget about it.”

“Toughen up! It’s over with.”

Many adult child sexual abuse survivors feel different than those who have never been sexually abused, and rightly so. We are different. We didn’t have the idyllic childhood that many had. We didn’t have adults who we could turn to when we were hurt or afraid. We didn’t have mothers or fathers who put our safety and happiness above their own.

Ours was a childhood filled with trauma and fear. It was a childhood in which we felt trapped in a prison of neglect and constant tension. We were hyper-alert beings, watching for shadows, listening for footsteps, sniffing the air for a certain fragrance, waiting for the open hand or fist to connect to our bare skin in a flurry of searing pain.

For many survivors, even our sleep was disturbed by sexual violence and abuse. Our bedrooms, instead of being a sanctuary, were traps where we were the prey. We were forced to find ways to survive. Trusting anyone, was a dangerous gamble that we learned to avoid.

In school, we feared that others would discover our shameful secrets. We were shy and withdrawn, depressed, or suicidal. Some were over achievers, trying to show our parents that we were good, in spite of the fact that we were ashamed, and felt dirty, bad and guilty.

I will soon turn 56, and I still have problems directly related to what happened to me as a child. They are not as pronounced as they were when I was in my twenties, but they are still there, beneath the armor that has built up over the years. Yes, I said armor. Survivors are a tough breed, but we are a sensitive breed too. Sensitive to unsympathetic comments like the ones above. Sensitive to thoughtless jokes and uncaring attitudes about child sexual abuse. We live with the consequences of what was done to us, every day. Memories can not be erased. Feelings and emotions are deep-seated. We are still vulnerable to triggers. Healing is an on-going process that for some, takes a life time.

So unless you have been where we have been, unless you have known our horrors, unless you have suffered the way we have suffered, please, do not tell us to, “deal with it, toughen up, or forget about it.”

Another thing that really perturbs me is when I hear news anchors telling stories about men who have been accused of “having sexual relations with their daughters or other young girls.”

Comments like this send me into a rage that has been building for over 35 years! We did NOT have sexual relations with our fathers! It was rape! We were children for God’s sake! Innocent children who were taken advantage of. You make it sound like we were involved in an affair! Like it was consensual! A wife has sexual relations with her husband. A child does not!

If you think I am overzealous or too emotional, you’re right. I am sick of the media and people who downplay the effects of child sexual abuse. Call it what it is! RAPE! Not incest, not molestation, not sexual relations. It was RAPE!
Anónimo disse…
De ver isto que se pode esperar de bom?

Anónimo disse…
The plan is to use the ethnic cleansing to return the city to Republican party control. Remember these rebuilding plans when you keep hearing how 'uninhabitable' the city will be. Apparently, it will only be uninhabitable for blacks. With all the money that is going to be pouring into the pockets of local bigwigs to realize their grandiose white plans, it should be possible for the government to fund the return of all displaced residents. As Glen Ford states:

"Displacement based on race is a form of genocide, as recognized under the Geneva Conventions. Destruction of a people's culture, by official action or depraved inaction, is an offense against humanity, under international law. New Orleans – the whole city, and its people – is an indispensable component of African American culture and history. It is clear that the displaced people of New Orleans are being outsourced – to everywhere, and nowhere. They are not nowhere people. They are citizens of the United States, which is obligated to right the wrongs of the Bush regime, and its unnatural disaster. Charity is fine. Rights are better. The people of New Orleans have the Right to Return – on Uncle Sam's tab."

It would be a real shame if, on top of all the corruption, negligence, stupidity and malfeasance, the Bush regime also got away with destroying the culture of New Orleans in order to ethnically cleanse it into a Dixieland theme park that votes Republican. The Right of Return is not only for Palestinians!

posted at 11:18 PM permanent link Comments (20) | Trackback (1)
R.O disse…
quanto a:

acho que as pessoas que maltratam animais assim deviam ser decapitadas, sem piedade.
matar um animal é como matar um ser-humano, eles merecem viver como nós.

e vaquinhas como a FARIMA LOPEs fabricam milhões de casacos de peles e ainda apoiam o negocio das peles.
R.O disse…
fatima lopes.. enganei-me
Anónimo disse…
Limpeza etnica.
Acabaram com os pretos. Só pretos e raças inferiores para acabarem com o excesso populacional (velho objectivo da elite; andam a esterilizar-nos há tanto tempo: pílula, preservativo, aditivos na água canalizada, medicamentos venenosos, ligação de trompas,etc. ).
Os ricos safaram-se. Pois.
Anónimo disse…
It is a sobering reminder of just how tenuous our ‘civilisation’ really is and how staggeringly quickly it can descend into the animalistic demands of survival. I have written in my books of a great civilisation in the ancient world with advanced knowledge of science and esoteric law that built vast cities. It was a society on a global scale at one point. People say that if such a place existed we would find evidence of it, so it can’t be true.

But wait. Some of its calling cards are still with us in the form of extraordinary edifices of stone around the world in places like Peru, Egypt, and elsewhere. The rest of it has disappeared, yes, but why would it not have done so given the recent experience of New Orleans? Our ‘modern’ society is considered ‘advanced’ technologically, if certainly not spiritually, but this ‘great society’ that we hear praised by the day is in fact hanging by three tiny threads: oil, electricity and clean water. Take clean water away and we’re all dead within a short time through dehydration or disease; take away electricity and there is no light or warmth. Take away oil and there is no transport except on foot, bicycle or animal-drawn cart and there would be no animals without uncontaminated water. Together they would also mean no more food, except that which can be produced locally using traditional methods and crops, now disappearing under the onslaught of genetically-modified varieties demanding chemicals that would not be available when catastrophe struck.

Within hours of New Orleans being without drinking water, oil or electricity ‘western civilisation’ was history. For it had lost the pillars, threads in truth, upon which it depends. Perhaps we can see more clearly from this experience how an ancient global society struck by geological catastrophes and some massive wall of water – the ‘Great Flood’ – would have been obliterated. What would be left of New Orleans a few thousand years from now if it is was just abandoned to the elements?


Anyway, back to the theme: He who most benefits from a crime is the one most likely to have committed it. My own feeling having read the reports all week is that Hurricane Katrina was whipped up into the incredible storm it became using the weather control technology detailed in last week’s newsletter and that it was steered to its target, New Orleans. When, as was first reported, the storm gave the city a massive battering, but it survived, the levees were broken to do the rest. Apart from those who understand the Illuminati techniques, who was going to suspect foul play with the levees when the hurricane was a ready-made villain?

This gave them so many gifts in their Orwellian agenda for global control. Firstly, the main victims were the poor, mostly poor blacks who could not evacuate. Black people to the Illuminati bloodlines are little more than vermin – ‘useless eaters’ as they call the masses - and they want to depopulate them on a massive scale. This is the real reason for the implanted AIDS epidemic in Africa which is killing millions of black people across that continent, not least in South Africa, and threatens a depopulation of staggering proportions in the years ahead.

Many will say that the idea of a genocide of black people is far fetched, but here is the ‘race-purity’ agenda in the Illuminati’s own words. In September 2000 the Illuminati’s neocon front, The Project for the New American Century, set out a blueprint for the incoming Bush administration to follow. The people behind the report, including Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and so on, became the controlling cabal behind boy Bush and they have been following their report to the letter - including the invasion of Iraq. And in that same report they say the U.S. should consider the ‘use of biological weapons and that “new” methods of attack - electronic, ‘non-lethal’, biological - will be more widely available ... combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes... advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool'.

Note the language: “specific genotypes” – the biological targeting of specific races and black people are the main, though not the only, target. That is what we are dealing with here within this bigger picture of the Orwellian fascist state – cold, calculated genocide. For this to happen in the you have to demonise black people. This is always the methodology of the sick minds who target races for destruction. They are using the ‘war on terrorism’ to turn other races against the Arab peoples, just as they used propaganda to turn Germans against Jews. Now we are seeing the same with blacks in America – they’re portrayed as the bad guys while the whites in the same circumstances are the victims. Here are two news reports to give you a blatant example of what I mean. Blacks 'loot' food while whites 'find' it.
R.O disse…
Desta vez não é HAARP,
há um programa específico secreto, para gerar tempestades adicionando químicos nas nuvens.
É O project Storm Fury.

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